Posts Tagged ‘motivation’

Mediocrity Sucks

Posted: July 24, 2011 in Motivation

Living day to day, merely surviving, hoping for something better to come along.

Conforming to the expectations of society to fit in and not to make any waves.

Afraid to stand out and be noticed because someone might have something challenging to say.

Mediocrity Sucks

We have not been put on this planet to just get by. The entire object of the exercise is to become more and to have a bigger influence.

Look at the trees around you. They grow every day; maybe not a lot, but little by little they do. A tree that isn’t growing is busy dying!

In growing that tree throws a larger shadow. Bit by bit it’s increasing it’s area of influence.

It’s part of nature’s blue print that you should be growing and expanding your area of influence.

I’m guilty of that life of mediocrity, of not growing, of going nowhere slowly. … Are you?

Can I challenge you by asking, “What have you done to make a difference today”?

If you don’t make a difference you don’t matter!

I would like to matter, How about you?

Challenge the Status QuoHave you ever considered how the environment that you grew up in and the friends and colleagues that surround you today are impacting on your being?

If you haven’t noticed, we live in a world of complete contradictions.

The schools, colleges and religious institutions that we associate with are doing their best to put us into neat little boxes. Complete with nice wrapping that defines who we are and what we are supposed to do, both daily and in life.

Most often, our friends and colleagues take their cues from these formal bodies, repeating a vicious cycle that started a long time ago.

On the other hand, you will find coaches and alternative thinkers that will do whatever they can to encourage you to not confine yourself to the identity prescribed to you.

Most everything that were pushed down onto the “masses” have been proven to be nonsense. Starting with the Earth being Flat and the Earth, rather than the Sun being the centre of our Universe.

It is when you start researching the origin of the modern educational system and the financial system that you start realising that we have been hauled around by a psychological nose-ring for our entire lives.

It is only when we break free of the societal Rules for conforming that you can live up to your full potential. Make no mistake, you have been created to achieve hugely. Your failure to live up to your potential is an insult to your Creator!

So it’s time that you challenge everything that would prescribe behaviours to you. It’s time that you question all the BS that you are been fed and exposed to on a daily basis.

When you meet someone, like a manager, boss or even a friend, that’s not prepared to be questioned, tell them to “Get Lost”

Should you meet someone that tells you that you are not able to do something, be my guest and throw in a few profanities.

Whatever you do, Challenge the Status Quo and aim to achieve something HUGE and INSPIRING.

Anything less is an insult to yourself!

How many Motivational Blogs and Websites do you think you could find on the Internet? Do yourself the favour and Google “Motivation”

Next, apply the principles on the ones that are the most appealing. Share your results; On second thoughts, don’t bother….

I know it’s bad taste, etc, etc, to rant in public, but sometimes you have to have the guts to stand up and call a spade a spade. In E-Politics that’s sort-off acceptable, I think and since this is my Blog I make the rules.

Most people wouldn’t even know what it means for them to be happy. Do you know what it means to be happy?

So, if you don’t know what makes you happy, how can you ever know how to get motivated.

I’ll tell you. It’s not complicated. Nike has been saying it for years; Yes, to get Motivated, Just Do It!

Most people believe that when they get Motivated, they’ll take action; and that’s why they never get there (Motivated) To get motivated, you have to take action, as in putting the horse back in-front of the cart.

Don’t believe me? Try it!

Find something that you used to enjoy, but just don’t feel motivated to do; get of your a**e and do it for 30 minutes. then tell me I’m wrong.

The more you do it, the more you’ll be motivated. That’s when you get around to set the BIG Inspiring goals; not before you have motivation.

I know, I have stacks of goals and business plans that never came to fruition simply because I didn’t have the motivation. Thought I was visualising and affirming wrong, but all I needed to do is “Just Do It!

Do you know of anyone that has ever felt motivated after a performance review? They are few and far in between.

Here’s Why

1. Performance reviews are about company objectives.

2. Performance reviews are done by superiors using corporate measuring criteria.

3. the superiors are using their a) opinions and b) corporate results

That sounds reasonable considering that corporates pay individuals to perform and thus they have the right to set the criteria.

But shouldn’t performance reviews also take into consideration

4. How well the company empowered the individual to meet the measuring criteria and the targets set.

5. The individuals personal objectives and how well they are aligned with the corporate objectives. Might sound over the top, but it costs both the company and the individual financially if the individual is employed in a position they are not motivated to be in.

6. The superiors performance. Shouldn’t the subordinates performance be mirrored against that of the manager. What is the collective opinion of the managers ability to manage and to empower sub-ordinates.

Motivation is 100% about Feedback. The question here is if a Performance Revue serves any objective; or is it an archaic and out dated measuring tool?